What is my IP
What is my IP

Search results: operation

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Approximately 20 results of operation

Europe forces Apple to open iPadOS to third-party applications and allow the uninstallation of pre-installed apps
Europe forces Apple to open iPadOS to third-party applications and allow the uninstallation of pre-installed apps

Apple will have to allow the installation of applications on its iPad tablets from sources other than the App Store, in addition to enabling the uninstallation of its own applications that come pre-installed.This obligation comes after the European Commission, within the framework of the Digital Markets Law, has identified the operating system of iPad tablets, iPadOS, as a "gatekeeper" or "gatekeepers". This means that they consider it an important entry channel for professional users to reach final consumers, thus justifying the requirement for its universality.As a result, Apple has a period of six months to comply with the rules imposed by European regulations and which aims to promote fair competition in the digital market.These new measures imposed by the European Commission on Apple follow the precedent of previous decisions that affected the iOS operating system for iPhone, the Safari browser and the App Store itself and mean allowing users to delete applications that come pre-installed on their iPad devices. and offer support for downloading and installing applications from sources external to the App Store.This change in operations for Apple, reported by Bloomberg in recent information, will imply a major adjustment for the company, which has traditionally maintained a closed ecosystem on its devices, allowing only approved applications and services through its official store. However, with this new regulation, iPad users are expected to have greater freedom and flexibility to customize their devices according to their needs and preferences.

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In little more than 10 years, the Chinese multinational Xiaomi has become a giant in the electronics industry. It is a really impressive trajectory if we take into account that in this short period of time it has put itself on a par with companies like Apple, Samsung or Huawei. Xiaomi, has realized that the world is a big market, and it does not stop expanding. It is now an Internet company with smartphones and smart hardware connected by an Internet of Things (IoT) platform at its core. Its sales are growing steadily and it continues an unstoppable race to innovate and achieve a high-quality user experience and operational efficiency.

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Ip Location, the tool to know my ip location
Ip Location, the tool to know my ip location

If you need to check what location your internet provider is sharing with the websites you visit, with our IP locator you can instantly geolocate your IP address or any other that you enter manually. To geographically locate the IP address, you only need to be connected to the internet. If you use VPN software or connect through a proxy to locate IP address you can also use our tool. None of the data generated by the IP locator is stored in our system. @Mapa@ How can I hide my IP address so that it cannot be traced? To anonymously browse the Internet and avoid being located through the IP of your connection, there are two basic ways to do it. The first is to hide IP so that no one will be able to track our presence on the network or access our browsing data and the second is to change IP and browse through another IP address whenever we need to. Why do I need to locate my IP geographically? Locating your IP geographically is the best way to find out what data our ISP shares about the location of our connection. Depending on this location. a website whose URL is ".com" will change to "/es" if we connect from Spain, for example, and some tasks related to the sending of forms will be simplified, as they will be automatically pre-filled with some data such as your country or city, depending on your geolocation IP. As users with a geolocation IP tool such as the one we offer in Cuál es mi IP, we can manually enter an IP address and find out, for example, from where we have received a fraudulent email, if we have had access before, of course, to the IP address involved Can anyone find out my home address with an IP geolocation tool? By using a tool to locate an IP address, you can trace the IP and geolocate it through coordinates on the map, but the specific postal address is never provided. This is because our IP address is not ours, but rather our Internet Service Provider's (ISP's). So what data can they find out about me with IP geolocation? When locating the IP geographically. the only information about us that is provided is the country and city from which we are connecting, since the GPS coordinates of altitude and latitude that are shown correspond, in reality, to those of the headquarters of the company that is offering us the Internet connection service. The reason behind this is that all data related to the actual geographic address of the device used to access the Internet, i.e. our router, is not public and belongs to our ISP, which can only disclose it by court order. Why are companies interested in locating my IP address geographically? Information is power and for a company to know from where its potential customers connect is an important advantage to design marketing strategies aimed at the customer profile of a particular geographical area or country. In addition, in terms of anti-fraud, e-commerce companies can improve card payment security by identifying payment attempts from suspicious IP addresses. What is an IP address? An IP address is a special numerical combination assigned to an internet-connected device to be identified on the network. All intelligent devices need an IP address to access the Internet and interact on the network. Each device connected to the Internet has its own an individual IP address. When we access the Internet, the servers recognize our device through its IP address, allowing the two-way communication with the recipient. As we are identified with our IP address, the rest of devices can order a return response, without mistake the sender. Making a simile, an IP address would be the address that we use to write on the back of an envelope. This information identifies us as issuers and also as recipients of the return answer. To make possible this data exchange, the IP protocol was established as a set of universal rules for all the Internet operations. That means that all devices connected to Internet or to a home network, "speak" the same language and they are able to communicate each with the others. There are two types of IP address, the external IP and the local IP: • The external IP or public IP is the numerical combination address assigned to us by our Internet service provider (ISP). This public IP identifies us as Internet users when we are connected. If you want to find the IP of your computer, your tablet or your Smartphone, you can find out this immediately by accessing the home page of “What is my IP” or using our speed test service that, in addition to this information, will inform you about the quality of your Internet connection. • The local IP address or internal IP is the one the router assign to all the devices connected to him and identifies each of these devices, individually, in the home network.  How to locate an IP address?  If you want to know how to find out where an IP address is from, you should know that it is not always easy to find out the IP origin of a connection, because there are different systems to hide the IP. Some users use these systems for security reasons or to simulate, for example, their IP location in another place and thus have access to Internet services not enabled in the place where they are located. Now, if the user does not use any resource to mask the IP, find out the IP of the computer or any other device connected, for example, to our website, it is as simple as use IP geolocation services such the one offered in “What is my IP?” and you will immediately find out the IP origin of any computer that you are interested in track. Knowing the IP location of our clients is an advantage when we are designing, for example, our marketing strategies and a good tool, also, to improve network security, as it allows us to locate suspicious IP addresses. In addition, with the IP geolocation service you can also verify the location that your Internet provider shares about you. It should be clarified that this location provided by IP geolocation services is never the specific address of our home or where we are located. The data actually are from the operator node in our area that is offering us the connection service to the internet network Therefore, the geolocation information will be the country and city from where the connection is made, but not the address where the user is located, because this specific tracking of the user address is protected by law and this data can only be provided by court order.

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What is Worldcoin and what does scanning the iris involve?
What is Worldcoin and what does scanning the iris involve?

Worldcoin was introduced in summer of 2023 as a revolutionary project with the mission of creating a 100% secure digital identity, essentially a kind of fortified "digital passport," based on the verification of a unique and non-transferable element inherent to each human being—the iris. According to its developers, World ID will help distinguish human online activity from that generated by machines. In the first phase of the project, the creation of this secure digital identity is planned for 2 billion humans. To make this possible, Worldcoin has called on the global population to scan their iris. In return, Worldcoin compensates participants with a few tokens of its successful cryptocurrency, WLD, which has quadrupled in value within a few weeks of its initial launch. The payment in WLD tokens is not coincidental; it is part of Worldcoin's strategy, aiming to leverage the new digital passports to create a comprehensive ecosystem that provides universal and equitable access to advanced financial services for the entire global population. To achieve this, they encourage "iris sellers" to use the Worldcoin cryptocurrency on its fee-free blockchain, unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies that do charge transaction fees. How does Worldcoin work? Worldcoin aims to address the issues of bots, rapid creation of fake identities, and content with artificial intelligence. It is designed, according to its developers, to provide every individual in the world with a unique digital identification. Additionally, Worldcoin promises to ensure the financial inclusion of each person in a fair and equitable ecosystem through a universal basic income. Users receive this income in exchange for allowing their iris to be scanned. To create the secure digital passport with Worldcoin, users must undergo an iris scan, which serves as proof of humanity and a unique identity on the blockchain. This process ensures that the individual on the other side of that identity is a human and not a fake profile created with artificial intelligence. In pursuit of the success of their proposal, the company offers users a small amount of their own Worldcoin tokens in exchange for iris scanning. The initial incentive of receiving free cryptocurrency, in the form of a universal basic income, is emphasized by Worldcoin advocates as the basis for the inclusive and universal nature of their initiative. This approach allows anyone to scan their iris, and the WLD tokens received in return can assist people without access to traditional financial services in starting to save and invest. How to Scan the Iris with Worldcoin? The registration process with Worldcoin involves scanning the iris with an orb, the central hardware device of Worldcoin developed by Tools for Humanity. The orb is spherical and processes all the information. Currently, Worldcoin has installed orbs in different countries, including Spain, where users can scan their iris in exchange for Worldcoins. To do this, it is necessary to download the Worldcoin mobile application, World ID, generate a QR code with it, and display it in front of the orb. The orb, upon recognizing it, will scan the user's iris, while a Worldcoin collaborator remotely oversees the operation. The orb takes less than a minute to perform the scan and validate the subject's identity. In exchange for their iris, the user receives a unique number called "IrisHash" and a cryptographic wallet with Worldcoins. "This digital passport is accepted as proof of unique humanity, which people can use in the digital world without the need to share any other data," assure its developers. What happens with my scanned iris in exchange for Worldcoins? Once the iris scan is completed, and digital identity is granted to the user, Worldcoin assures that the orb quickly eliminates the images unless the user requests their preservation. Only the set of numbers called "IrisHash" is stored for identification, without any additional biometric data. Worldcoin also commits to ensuring that users share only the necessary information they wish to share, providing verification options through linked devices or the additional facial authentication orb for high-security cases. Despite these commitments, the collection of biometric data through iris scanning for the unique proof of humanity continues to raise significant questions regarding privacy and information security. Some countries such as Brazil, France, India, or Kenya have halted Worldcoin's iris scanning. How much do you get paid for scanning your iris? Worldcoin pays 25 WLD for scanning your iris, which, according to the cryptocurrency's exchange rate in February 2024, has translated to an average of between 50 and almost €160 for iris sellers, depending on the value of Worldcoin on the day they scanned their iris. At the beginning of February, the value of each WLD unit was around two euros, and by the end of the month, it had risen to nearly seven euros. What can I spend my WLD on? 'Iris sellers' have the freedom to use their Worldcoins from the moment they receive them. They can exchange the payment for other cryptocurrencies, withdraw them in euros from a specialized ATM, or hold onto the tokens in the hope of an increase in their value. Additionally, WLD payments are already accepted on platforms such as Discord, Shopify, Minecraft, Telegram, Mercado Libre, or Reddit, among other places. Who is behind Worldcoin? Worldcoin bears the stamp of two innovative minds: Sam Altman and Alex Blania. Altman is the CEO of OpenAI and a key figure in artificial intelligence development, leading projects like ChatGPT. Blania, on the other hand, is the co-founder of Tools For Humanity, contributing his experience in creating technological tools for a more equitable economic system to this new and successful cryptocurrency.

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The United States accelerates the digital dollar
The United States accelerates the digital dollar

After US President Joe Biden ordered this past week to urgently evaluate the creation of the digital dollar, the Federal Reserve Bank  and companies such US Bank, Citi, HSBC and Wells Fargo have announced a pilot prove to test the new currency. The digital Dollar will be issued centrally and its regulated liability network (RLN) will be tested for twelve weeks, during which the participating banks will operate in a simulated way, using tokens that will act as deposits from their clients that will be settled in a central reserve in a shared distributed ledger. This will be use to evaluate its security and operation in financial transactions and agreements. In parallel, China continues to promote the Digital Yuan and the European Central Bank (ECB) is also advancing in the creation of the digital euro, a project that the latest information indicates it cab be already viable in 2025. And while all this is happening, the information that ensures an imminent regulation for cryptocurrencies increases.

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Google presents its new augmented reality search experiences
Google presents its new augmented reality search experiences

Google presents its new augmented reality search experiences From this week, Google users in London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Tokyo will be able to enjoy the new Live function on their Android and iOS terminals, View Live, an immersive augmented reality (AR) experience that offers to explore the environment that surrounds us from our mobile.  With Live View, Google has explained, users will be able to use their mobile phones to discover the shops and other establishments that they have around, from which they we will receive information about their open hours, type of sale, etc.  To do this, it is necessary to install the application, which will soon be available in more cities than those included in this first launch, and focus the mobile camera on the buildings and stores that we have in view. Then,  the information available for each one will appear.  Google has also announced the global launch of a functionality that is currently only operational in Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, which reports on accessibility to shops and other establishments and premises for people with reduced mobility.  The accessible places are marked with a wheelchair icon and the users can access to relevant information is displayed, such if that place have adapted bathrooms, if interior mobility in a wheelchair is possible, or if they have accessible parking spaces. The third novelty announced by Google is a new tool for electric vehicle drivers, with real-time information on the nearest charging stations.

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Hungary Proposes Orchestrated Attacks Against Illegal IPTV Platforms
Hungary Proposes Orchestrated Attacks Against Illegal IPTV Platforms

Television operators in Hungary have come together in an unprecedented common front in the country to combat illegal Internet IPTV platforms.The objective is to put end to the unfair competition from these services and to do it they propose launching denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the websites that host them.In order not to incur in the legality, the television stations would entrust these attacks to an organization that would act with legal authorization and under official levels of supervision and control.Upon receiving continuous DDoS attacks, the pirate platforms would be overwhelmed by malicious traffic and the hope of the television stations is that the inconvenience that would be shared by getting their services active again would make them rule out continuing their operations.

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Google will retire Hangouts in November
Google will retire Hangouts in November

From today, all Hangouts users when they open the messaging app, will see a message inviting them to switch to Chat. The reason is that  continuing with its plans to migrate all its users to this tool, Google has confirmed that Hangouts will not  be longer operational this coming November.  As they has explained on its official blog, users who still use Hangouts in Gmail will automatically switch to Chat, The change includes the transfer of conversations, history and contacts.  Those who access Hangouts through the web or the mobile application must carry out this transfer with the help of Takeout, Google's data download tool.

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Madrid taxis already accept payment with cryptocurrencies
Madrid taxis already accept payment with cryptocurrencies

From this month of May, Madrid taxi users will be able to pay in cryptocurrencies. The possibility of this new means of payment comes after the agreement between the taxi sector and the Woonkly company, which has distributed dataphones to all taxi drivers so that payment with cryptocurrencies can be made.  Madrid is the first city in Spain to introduce this means of payment in taxis, which is also contemplated by various municipalities in the United Kingdom and the Scandinavian countries.  At the moment, the cryptocurrencies accepted in Madrid taxis are Ethereum, Bitcoin BEP2, Woonkly Power, Binance Coin, Cardano, Avalanche, Binance USD, Polkadot, USD Coin, Tether and Wrapped BN.  The technology of the dataphones that are prepared to print the proof of the operation once the payment has been made, belongs to Waynance, a firm from Alicante, whose payment gateway has become the first universal payment system for cryptocurrencies. It allows payments done from any payment platform (POS, e-commerce, etc.), with any cryptocurrency, through any decentralized wallet and, above all, instantly.

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DuckDuckGo introduces a feature to protect Android smartphones from trackers
DuckDuckGo introduces a feature to protect Android smartphones from trackers

DuckDuckGo goes a step further in terms of security and has just announced a new tool for Android Smartphones that block the tracking of user data. In fact, it is an extension that can be already  tested in its beta version -with a waiting list- and that according to DuckDuckGo was born to stop the theft of information ( according to AndroidRank.org, 96% of the most popular free Android applications contain trackers. A 87% send data to Google, and 68% to Facebook). This free extension is called 'App Tracking Protection' and it is integrated into the search engine's 'app', so it is not necessary to keep it open for it to work. Trackers blocking can be reviewed in real time through DuckDuckGo and it can also detect which networks are tried to keep users personal data to. In addition, one can activate the notifications service to receive summaries of its operation.

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Andalusia becomes the mecca of 5G in Europe
Andalusia becomes the mecca of 5G in Europe

With more than 36 pilot projects developed by Vodafone Spain and Huawei, in collaboration with 50 companies and organizations, Andalusia has become in terms of number of 5G business use cases, the mecca of 5G in Europe. This has been announced in the recent closure of the 5G Andalusia Pilot project. The 36 5G pilot projects have been developed in the cities of Sevilla, Malaga, Puerto Real, Algeciras, Huelva and Jaén, and have included high-value solutions as technology with remote piloting for a defibrillator drone and medical telecare in real time or a new biometric access to the Málaga-María Zambrano railway station, which allows the identification of passengers in the boarding area.   Thanks also to a 5G technology project, Balearia, the biggest maritime passenger and cargo transport company in Spain, has been able to lighten the management of vehicles in Algeciras harbour, where up to 8,000 vehicles pass daily in the operation "Paso del Estrecho".

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Spotify buys Findaway to expand its audiobooks service
Spotify buys Findaway to expand its audiobooks service

Spotify is determined not to lose the battle as a digital entertainment platform, so they have announced the next acquisition of the Findaway audiobook service, with which, Spotiby will expand this type of content in its catalog. The operation is pending final approval by the regulatory authorities and is expected to be effective before the end of this year. The audiobook platform works for authors, publishers and consumers alike, and according to Spotify one of its goals with the acquisition is to work to remove current limitations and give better economic tools for audiobook creators.

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New Wifi technology to accurately count seated people
New Wifi technology to accurately count seated people

Small natural gestures such crossing your legs, checking your mobile, or scratching your nose are enough to count the number of people sitting in certain space.  A group of researchers from the University of California have developed a system that overcomes the precision problems that the lack of movement during most of the time in seated people caused in this type of counting operations. This new system also allows those seated behind a wall to be counted.  The new technology that is suitable for Wi-Fi devices is based on a mathematical model that, in a similar way to how the queue management theory works, relates the total number of gestures to the number of people sitting in the same space. Accuracy is 96.3, based on tests performed during the study.  In addition, the researchers say, the system offers an accuracy of almost 90%, in the detection of people behind the walls or dividing columns of any space.

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Ransomwhere, new platform to track cyberattack payments
Ransomwhere, new platform to track cyberattack payments

This week was made known the unveiling of Ransomwhere, a new collaborative data platform born with the intention of being able to track 'ransomware' ransom payments to cybercriminals wallets. The platform launched by cybersecurity researcher Jack Cable, allows data to be entered into the Ransomwhere website in an open and transparent format, so that users can easily report on the cryptocurrency wallets used in their ransomware attack payments, often included in the ransom notes of the attacks, and through this data the figure obtained in extortion payments to cybercriminals is obtained. As these payments are made with cryptocurrencies, the transactions can be traced as they are opened by the use of the blockchain or Blockchain. According to the first data obtained in these first weeks of operation, Ransomwhere has reported that it has already recorded more than $33 million paid this past year in ransomware and accumulated data of about $28 million more satisfied previously. This information also shows that the ransomware with the highest income so far is Netwalker, with more than 27 million dollars, followed by REvil / Sodinokibi, with more than 11 million.

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Macro cyber-attack affects more than 350 companies worldwide
Macro cyber-attack affects more than 350 companies worldwide

The number of companies that have suffered from the REvil macro cyberattack now exceeds 350 organizations worldwide from which the cybercriminals are demanding 70 million in bitcoins to provide them with a universal decryptor to restore their data. The attack was conducted through the update system of IT services software company Kaseya, which REvil exploited to spread and hide ransomware. The virus was leaked to TI Kaseya resellers and from there has reached all end customers using their software. The official data provided by TI Kaseya sets the number of affected companies at 350, although other sources such as the cybersecurity company ESET talk about more than 1,000, including some Spanish organizations, although no names have been disclosed. It has been made public that one of the companies most affected by the cyberattack has been the Swedish supermarket chain Coop, which has had to close its more than 800 points of sale for a few days due to the impossibility of using its cash registers or charging customers. Based on Sophos threat intelligence, REvil has been active in recent weeks and is currently the dominant ransomware gang involved in Sophos' defensively managed threat response cases. Prior to this latest attack, they were also responsible for the one suffered by meat company JBS, which forced the cancellation of all work shifts at the company's slaughterhouses in the US. JBS paid up to 11 million to restore normal operations. These macro cyber-attacks are in addition to other recent and highly significant ones, such as the one perpetrated by the hacker group DarkSide, which forced the preventive shutdown of the largest oil pipeline network in the United States, Colonial Pipeline, endangering the supply of fuel in a large part of the country, or the one suffered by the SEPE and the Ministry of Labor in Spain a few weeks ago.

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How to keep your Mac safe?
How to keep your Mac safe?

5 things you should do to protect your Mac How many times have we heard that Mac is a more than secure and unbreakable system? For years, Apple has made its security through obscurity, or in other words, its proprietary software, flagship and brand guarantee. Today, however, just when Mac is no longer a minority option, Steve Jobs' system has become another favorite target for hackers and cybercriminals. The market has responded to this with the development of specific protection tools for Mac, while Apple works on optimizing its system in each version. Knowing what kind of tools exist for Mac and which ones are already included in our computer will help us to stay safe and choose the best strategy that fits our needs and use of the equipment. 1. Use computer security tools Cybersecurity is a universal and necessary practice in all operating systems today. The objective is to ensure protection against attacks and theft by cybercriminals who are looking for personal or confidential information stored on our computers or that enters or leaves them, in order to use it for their own benefit. What is VPN security? Cybersecurity tools help us to minimize our footprint on the Internet and thus increase our privacy and security. In this regard, VPN services for Mac stand out, as they incorporate advanced protection technologies capable of connecting to the Internet through intermediate servers, so that our IP address - our identification on the network - is replaced by the IP address of this secure server, without anyone being able to trace our connection. This type of VPN service also encrypts any information leaving our computer, thus preventing it from being accessed on its journey to its destination. This is essential, for example, when using public Wi-Fi networks to connect to the Internet. 2. Keep the operating system and software up to date As simple as it may seem, one of the best and easiest ways to protect a Mac is to always have the latest version of the operating system installed and to work with updated software downloaded from the Mac App Store. System updates usually include security patches, among other things. How do I update my Mac? Through the System Preferences Panel of our computer we can set that when there are available updates we receive a notice from MacOs warning us of it or that these updates, whether system data files, security updates or official software are installed automatically. To check if we are working with the latest versions available and our Mac is up to date we can do it by checking through this same panel if there are updates available at that time. If we have checked the automatic updates option, Mac will do this task for us routinely. 3. Use secure settings Mac's default security settings can be greatly enhanced by manually configuring the security and privacy terms of our computer. How to change the Privacy and Security preferences on the Mac? By accessing the "Privacy" tab of the "Security and Privacy" option of the Control Panel we will have the option to manage what information we allow our computer to make available to others over the Internet or on a network and what applications we allow access to our data and files. In the same way, but through the "Security" tab, we will be able to incorporate passwords for the access to different tasks and operations of the computer and through the "FileVault" tool we will be able to ensure the encryption, for example, of our personal information or certain documents for which a password will be required to unblock them. 4. Use an Antivirus for Mac There are antivirus programs developed specifically for Mac. Some of them are special for certain threats, although in general most of them offer a wide range of services to help us keep our computers safe. Which is the best antivirus for Mac? The range of antivirus for Mac, free and paid, is nowadays much wider than a few years ago, highlighting among the most complete and advanced, antivirus with malware protection functions in real time, tools against digital identity theft, protection against spyware or advanced detection and removal of blackmail programs. 5. Make regular backups Apple has a native function, Time Machine, which makes backup copies of our hard disk on a separate secondary disk, so that if for any reason we suffer an attack or a breakdown we can recover all the information. Many antiviruses offer a backup service, backup or backup similar but in the cloud, as a preventive measure against writing errors on the disk, theft of devices or even against data hijacking or ransomware.

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How to set up a digital marketing strategy?
How to set up a digital marketing strategy?

As our daily life Internet gains prominence in our physical world, companies selling products and services are increasing their online presence. To do so, they resort to strategies and tactics that ensure their omnipresence in both worlds, with the main task of attracting and retaining customers who buy their products. In this race for customers' attention, strategies such as Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing have emerged as protagonists and although they are radically different in their forms, both techniques have found in online communication an ideal medium through which to achieve their goals. What is Inbound Marketing? Inbound Marketing is based on attracting customers through non-intrusive techniques that use content related to the needs and interests of our target audience to attract them to our brand and products. Inbound Marketing Strategy In Inbound Marketing, content is the king and the strategy to get the user to approach the brand is to create, through these contents, links with the customer and establish a relationship of trust and support that favors their interest in our products and services, as well as their loyalty. To achieve this attention on the contents, it is basic and essential to optimize the SEO search engine, which makes our website, our contents and brand visible, makes us relevant and also contributes to our authority. To achieve this optimization and positioning, SEO will be in charge of indicating which words are trending in searches related to our content, will improve the structure of the web to allow a correct user experience, will implement a good strategy of referral links or link building and will take care of other aspects such as the integration of CRM tools or user metrics. All this will make it possible for our content to be positioned and that in a totally "natural" way and without any intrusion, all those contents written according to the interests of a certain group of customers, awaken their interest and attract them to our brand. Inbound Marketing Tools Throughout the whole process of customer attraction and loyalty, the Inbound Marketing strategy has a wide variety of tools to achieve its goal: Blogs Landing page Lead Creation Calls to action Intelligent content Workflows, ... What is outbound Marketing? Unlike Inbound Marketing, outbound Marketing is based on a totally traditional commercial approach, in which the product or service being sold is the only protagonist of the communication. Outbound Marketing Strategy To reach the public, outbound strategies use invasive methods that address broad audiences, without a specific target, with the intention of reaching the maximum number of possible interested parties. Outbound Marketing strategies are based on one-way communication, from the brand to the customer. The company shows the value of its products and services and tries to convince the public to buy them. All this operation is implemented without the customer's request, even before he has made a search or has shown previous interest in a specific product or service. Outbound Marketing Tools In Outbound Marketing, since there is no specific target audience segment, the communication reaches many users, although it may not be of interest to any of them. To achieve this massive distribution, companies use resources such as: Pop-ups Advertisements inserted in videos Banners Email campaigns for which companies use powerful email marketing software in Spanish, with multiple integrated tools that allow from automating mass mailings to A/B testing, comprehensive monitoring of the actions of each recipient (open rate, clicks on links,...) or even advanced segmentation based on interactions and / or user behavior detected in previous actions. Newsletter, inbound or outbound marketing? Now that we know the differences between Inbound and Outbound Marketing, we will finish by looking at a very useful and versatile tool that, unlike those previously mentioned is used interchangeably by both strategies. We are referring to the Newsletters. If we look at the Newsletter of Which is my IP, for example, we would be talking about an Inbound strategy, because to receive the electronic newsletter you must first register (by the way, if you have not done so yet, do not miss it and you will receive timely information on news and updates to get the most out of your Internet connection). On the other hand, if we look at newsletters like the ones we have all surely received at some time, in which we are offered, for example, a telephone offer from a company that is not our own, we are dealing with an electronic newsletter included in the marketing plan of an Outbound strategy. At this point, we can only conclude that knowing our priorities as a company, analyzing the degree of knowledge we have about our target and assessing our objectives, we will have all the necessary answers to start working and designing our digital marketing strategy.

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What is the value of a Bitcoin?
What is the value of a Bitcoin?

Since Bitcoin first appeared in 2009, this digital currency not issued by any government or company, nor, under the umbrella of any kind of economic policy, has gained a foothold in the market and has already started to fit into existing legal frameworks. What gives Bitcoin its value? The great value of Bitcoin is that it is a decentralized and global currency, an alternative to fiat currencies (those issued by governments). All transactions with Bitcoins are public and each of these crypto currencies belongs exclusively to its owner, therefore, it is a currency that cannot be intervened by anyone. What can I do with Bitcoins? To date, with this cryptocurrency, it is possible to monetize all kinds of services, in addition to making investments, free or practically free of commissions, which in the medium to long term are proving attractive. This has made Bitcoin an asset in which to invest and an increasingly popular means of payment through which to transfer value from one user to another without losing friction along the way, going through an intermediary or paying a commission. What is the price of a Bitcoin? Like any other good, the price of a Bitcoin varies according to market demand, although the fact that it has been designed to behave as a deflationary asset and that its supply is limited to 21 million coins, facilitates that by the law of supply and demand itself, the Bitcoin exchange rate tends to rise continuously. As of June 9, at the time of writing this article, the Bitcoin value today is 30,007.86 euros, 3.4 times its price a year ago, when the Bitcoin to Euro conversion rate was 8,629.5 Bitcoins for 1 euro. In 2010 Bitcoin price was less than one Euro cent. What does the value of Bitcoin depend on? The value of Bitcoin depends on the trust and acceptance of users to use it, hence why Bitcoin is rising in value some days and not others. As Bitcoin has been implemented as a means of payment in multiple transactions and its popularity has grown, its value has grown in parallel.  Likewise, when there have been news or events that have questioned, for example, the suitability of this crypto currency, its price has fallen. Like any other currency, the price of Bitcoin fluctuates and it is the users themselves who set it at the time of the purchase and sale transaction, which prevents the existence of a single price for Bitcoin, since it is not operated through a single platform as is the case with other currencies. Even so, buying and selling prices of Bitcoins tend to be quite similar. To know how much Bitcoin costs, there are several online platforms, known as "Bitcoin trading platforms" that report live the evolution of the value of the cryptocurrency. Is it safe and profitable to invest in Bitcoin? As with any other asset, investing in Bitcoins is profitable if we know how to do it at the right time. On the other hand, the Blockchain technology on which Bitcoin is based is reliable and difficult to manipulate, with no risk of being counterfeited, although some experts believe that the perfect, 100% inviolable system has not yet been created. In the cryptocurrency segment, convertibility is contemplated, so that Bitcoins can be exchanged for fiat currencies. What can I buy with Bitcoins? Over the last few years, a large number of companies have incorporated Bitcoin as an official method of payment for their goods and services From travel companies to ticket sales platforms for all kinds of shows, through gaming platforms, digital bookstores, software stores or even non-profit organizations already accept this digital currency. That is, Destinia, 13tickets, Gear Best, Shopify, Wordpress, Hostinger, Greenpeace,... among many other companies. eBay is currently considering adding Bitcoin as a method of payment. What is Bitcoin mining and how are Bitcoins generated? The users themselves through a totally decentralized system create Bitcoins. To become a bitcoin creator, computers with high computational capacity are needed to process and verify transactions and quickly solve the complex digital processes of generating the currency. This work is called mining and one of its best attractions is that the system offers "miners" rewards in Bitcoins in exchange for these services, which has made this activity very appealing for certain users. Is it profitable to mine Bitcoins in Spain? Bitcoin mining requires very powerful equipment, with high calculation capacities to solve operations, being nowadays totally inoperative for this operation the PCs of domestic or office use. The investment to mine Bitcoins requires, in addition, to assume the large power consumption required by this more powerful equipment, which makes Spain, at this time due to the high price of KW/h, an uninteresting market for mining Bitcoins. On the contrary, other locations such as China, Iceland, Iran or Georgia, where the Bitcoin mining business is in full expansion, are very interesting.

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QUIC, the new official network protocol to replace TCP
QUIC, the new official network protocol to replace TCP

QUIC, the network protocol designed by Google, has been presented by the Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF, as a new official Internet standard to replace TCP, the current main standard. Google's QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) network protocol is designed to reduce latency with retransmissions taking less time, potentially reducing the waiting time for search results by 8% on computers and 4% on mobile devices, according to the paper released by Google in 2017. QUIC will replace TCP, the current main standard of the Internet since 1974 - when it was still Arpanet - and on which the operation of Internet elements such as the World Wide Web (WWW) logic system, file transmission, 'emails' and remote administration depend. The new QUIC protocol has already been published by the IETF, making it an official network protocol.

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What is IT maintenance? Prevention is better than cure
What is IT maintenance? Prevention is better than cure

Keeping our IT equipment in good condition is essential for the smooth running of the business. The main goal of a good IT maintenance is to ensure the proper functioning of the hardware and software of our network and IT equipment and thus contribute to the overall efficiency of our business. What is the purpose of computer maintenance services? Computer maintenance services try to anticipate failures and offer us solutions to manage our computers and computer network, optimize their operation and secure all the information contained in our machines. In case of incidents, a good computer and systems technician will solve them and also find the cause of the error to prevent it from happening again. Benefits of hiring a computer maintenance and web maintenance service Common computers, servers, hard drives, networks, connections and antivirus problems can be avoided or prevented if we carry out all their preventive maintenance needs. Advance failure detection. Incidents can occur at any time, nipping them in the bud can save us a lot of headaches throughout the life of equipment. Improve the performance and reliability of your computers and network. This ensures our software is always up to date, thus improving the efficiency, speed and machines operation and other connected equipment. Prevents data loss. Data loss can wreak havoc. Keeping the equipment in good condition reduces the chances of these accidents that are completely neutralized if, in addition, our computer maintenance services include backups and contingency and recovery plans in case of disaster. Improve our protection against cyber-attacks. Regular maintenance means that our systems have the latest and, potentially, most effective security software installed to prevent any problem with malware, viruses, spyware or other unwanted attacks. Reduce our costs. With up-to-date computers we will always maximize their useful life and minimize the risk of loss due to unplanned downtime caused by computer problems. It helps us to keep the website properly updated and backed up. The most complete IT services include additional high-value services such as web maintenance for companies and backups of the entire project so nothing is lost in case of problems. What are the functions of a computer maintenance technician? Periodic reviews of computers, equipment and networks. To ensure from day one that everything is working properly, the software is up to date and the hardware is adequate. Server management with activity monitoring. To anticipate incidents or react immediately if they occur. Backup copies. To prevent data loss both on physical equipment and in the cloud. IT security. To keep machines protected and minimize the risks of viruses, computer attacks and improper intrusions. User management. To guarantee exhaustive control of how and who can access the data stored on the company's computers and servers. Remote and on-site technical assistance. Telephone support. To ensure quick resolution for major incidents and restore the service in the shortest possible time.

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