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Approximately 3 results of bloom

Europe forces Apple to open iPadOS to third-party applications and allow the uninstallation of pre-installed apps
Europe forces Apple to open iPadOS to third-party applications and allow the uninstallation of pre-installed apps

Apple will have to allow the installation of applications on its iPad tablets from sources other than the App Store, in addition to enabling the uninstallation of its own applications that come pre-installed.This obligation comes after the European Commission, within the framework of the Digital Markets Law, has identified the operating system of iPad tablets, iPadOS, as a "gatekeeper" or "gatekeepers". This means that they consider it an important entry channel for professional users to reach final consumers, thus justifying the requirement for its universality.As a result, Apple has a period of six months to comply with the rules imposed by European regulations and which aims to promote fair competition in the digital market.These new measures imposed by the European Commission on Apple follow the precedent of previous decisions that affected the iOS operating system for iPhone, the Safari browser and the App Store itself and mean allowing users to delete applications that come pre-installed on their iPad devices. and offer support for downloading and installing applications from sources external to the App Store.This change in operations for Apple, reported by Bloomberg in recent information, will imply a major adjustment for the company, which has traditionally maintained a closed ecosystem on its devices, allowing only approved applications and services through its official store. However, with this new regulation, iPad users are expected to have greater freedom and flexibility to customize their devices according to their needs and preferences.

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Apple chooses March 8 to present their new products
Apple chooses March 8 to present their new products

Apple starts tomorrow, March 8, its 2022 presentation program. The company has advanced an invitation to "take a look at the performance" of its new products, and Bloomberg analyst Mark Gurman predicts that the event could host the presentation of the new iPhone SE.  The first news placed this launch next April, but the fact that Apple will have this event tomorrow, suggests that the new iPhone SE will see the light before. This smartphone, explains Mark Gurman, will have support for 5G networks, a better camera and a better processor.  In addition to this presentation, there is also speculation about a new iPad Air model, with a faster processor and 5G connectivity, and even a new Mac computer with the Apple Silicon processor.

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Apple take distances itself from the Metaverse
Apple take distances itself from the Metaverse

Unlike many other companies, it seems that Apple looks suspiciously at everything that has to do with virtual worlds and according to Bloomberg analyst Mark Gurman, who is specializes in this company, Apple would have ruled out the idea of ​​a virtual world for the time being where users can get away all day. Gurman assures that he has been told "fairly directly" that the Metaverse idea is "out of bounds" . This, however, does not mean that Apple is losing ground in the virtual world and if plans continue as they are, this company will most announce its first virtual and augmented reality headset this year. Apple's viewer would be mixed reality and would focus on video games, communication and content consumption.

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